Volunteer Resource Centre
The Glace Bay and Area Volunteer Resource Centre was established by Town House in 2014 to serve Glace Bay and surrounding areas.
What we do:
Help nonprofit and service organizations to find suitable volunteers;
Help community members find volunteer opportunities that best suit their skills, interests, and availability;
Assist organizations with their volunteer programs; and
Build awareness about volunteerism
The Volunteer Resource Centre was built on fifty years of experience of volunteers providing a wide variety of programs and services to the community through Town House.
Current volunteer opportunities:
Seaview Manor Nursing Home – Need volunteers for Friday mornings (to assist with mass) and Monday-Friday between 1:30-3:30pm to assist with recreational activities (e.g., bowling, concerts, etc)
Cape Breton Miners Museum – Need volunteers during the summer months to act as historical interpreters for their Company House and Company Store, provide information and guidance, and help people take away a small, enjoyable piece of Cape Breton’s history and culture.
Nova Scotia Community Health Boards – Need volunteer board members to help support health plan objectives, board plans and initiatives, and health system goals and initiatives that contribute to the health of the community.
If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, or would like to learn about other ways you can make your community a better place, please contact Mariah MacKay, Volunteer Coordinator, at (902) 849-1619 or mariah.townhouse@bellaliant.com.
The Volunteer Resource Centre is open to individuals who may be looking for various options for volunteer work, as well as for other organizations who rely on volunteers to help with the work they do for the community. We welcome your call or visit.